
Following the third year of a holiday letter comprised
of my (increasingly complex) life via a (increasingly complex) year-in-photographs, I
wondered what it would be like to join the great experiment of 365 days of photographs.
I'm not a photographer,
I'm a writer. I'm a visual thinker, and if ever there was proof that a photo is worth a
thousand words, it would be the story a photo tells me, or in this case, about me.
Follow me on this adventure, where I
learn about photography, my ability to record my life, my dedication to something (I've
never been known for doing anything everyday) in my posts. I've also discovered I'm
learning about time, the history of it, and the odd practice of recording it, measuring it,
turning it into something tangible, and I'll record these explorations in the sidebar.
As always, feel free
to say anything. My experiment is not a spectator sport.

January 11, 2009

January 11 2009 The Artist in Progress

I have an artistic treasure of a niece. She draws absolutely fantastic works of art on scrap paper, with whatever she has around. The gift of this sort she gave her father made us all a little teary, but enough of the raving. For Christmas I gave her some proper tools for her work. It is warm and fuzzy to see it in action.

She worked on this all evening, and it's not done, but I had one shot to get it before she put it away. This is it. Penciled, inked... and sharp. This shot surprised me when it came out, because it really looks like what I saw. Isn't that what photography is supposed to be?


Robert Whitten said...

Very very lovley

Anonymous said...

Photogarphy is more fun when something you never expects shows up!!! Like the gohst of christmas past or how about a ring of faries dancing the night away.... what am I talking about!?!? Anyways, nice shot. Now if I only had talnet like that...