
Following the third year of a holiday letter comprised
of my (increasingly complex) life via a (increasingly complex) year-in-photographs, I
wondered what it would be like to join the great experiment of 365 days of photographs.
I'm not a photographer,
I'm a writer. I'm a visual thinker, and if ever there was proof that a photo is worth a
thousand words, it would be the story a photo tells me, or in this case, about me.
Follow me on this adventure, where I
learn about photography, my ability to record my life, my dedication to something (I've
never been known for doing anything everyday) in my posts. I've also discovered I'm
learning about time, the history of it, and the odd practice of recording it, measuring it,
turning it into something tangible, and I'll record these explorations in the sidebar.
As always, feel free
to say anything. My experiment is not a spectator sport.

July 13, 2009

July 13 2009 To the top of the charts

My kids got a magazine in the mail today, the National Geographic for Kids (complete with ADD information color/bubble/swatches/font things) and in it is a photo contest! National Geographic is known for their photographs, if you didn't know and/or I like to be Sherlock. So my daughter now has her own memory card with a gig of space (borrowed from her mommy) and is learning the settings and strategies for taking good pictures. This is the very first one she took. It's really quite cool because I am capable of helping her with the troubleshooting, since I've spent (what's today, day 194?) every day so far this year trying to figure out why my pictures suck. I am getting better! And so will she, and by November 2nd she will have chosen four photos to submit, one from each category: Humor, People, Scenery, and Animals, and have submitted them. It's an international contest for kids ages 6-14, and it will be her first contest. (Watch, near the end of the contest time she'll have learned how to use the photographer's rig, far surpassing my skills. It could happen.)

She used the Kids and Pets setting with a flash, and covered part of the flashbulb with her finger to end up with this red glow (red eye flash). I know, I've done it a million times, even on purpose. She was also very gracious in letting me use her picture.

Tomorrow's word: Thought

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