April 30, 2009
April 30 2009 Riding
April 29, 2009
April 29 2009 Recovering
April 28, 2009
April 28 2009 Pushing
April 27, 2009
April 27 2009 Inspecting
April 26, 2009
April 26 2009 Cheating
April 25, 2009
April 25 2009 Raining
April 24, 2009
April 24 2009 Evening
This is the first post via cellphone. Barely service, limited internet.
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April 23, 2009
April 23 2009 Marathoning Avatar
April 22, 2009
April 22, 2009 Giving New Meaning to "64 Box"
Shooting 64 non-round crayons is a bit harder than just photographing a box: takes up much more surface space. Auto, shooting from above-ish and away-ish. Composition is pretty much the only variable different between the shots I got.
April 21, 2009
April 21 2009 Setting Up Camp Early
Landscape setting, 4x zoom.
April 20, 2009
April 20 2009 Packing, Preparing, and Piling
Auto+stand-back-and-zoom= photo. A bit of composition to avoid showing the stacks of clothes that still don't have a closet (stay tuned, maybe a closet will be in the photoblog works for May or June).
April 19, 2009
April 19 2009 Reiterating Something I Mentioned
Landscape setting. This camera's stabilizer is remarkable, in that we were in our stiff-shocked van on windcarved pavement, and the photo came out fantastically.
April 18, 2009
April 18 2009 Disturbing Teaching Aids
April 17, 2009
April 17 2009 Travelling Day
Get hotel. Climb into bed. Oh crud, I didn't take any pictures today: here's the table, mostly. Montrose is a pretty place. Those are seabands. They help me keep my sanity. Flash auto photo from an I-don't-care perspective.
April 16, 2009
April 16 2009 Knitting Comfort
Auto + stand-back-and-zoom= today's photo. It has not been easy to care to take pictures throughout my day. It is not uncommon that I take them just before I go to bed, and often of the thing I had just done before bed. One of these months, I'm going to challenge myself to a pre-noon photo every day. I have eight months left. I do like it when I get cheered on. Is there any cheering out there?
*Many thanks to Heather in Progress [item 3] for winding my silk from hank to ball for me!
April 15, 2009
April 15 2009 Observing the Tea Party
I took over a hundred photos on auto on this fully sunny day from various ranges with various zooms. This one struck me for its variety: the woman with the fur, the man with the sign, man with huge flag sitting on walker, young guy in hippiehat with protest sign, veterans, cell phones, lawn chairs. Taking photos of groups like this reveals a lot of juxtaposition. This one I got by pure chance.
*As of date of post, one has not been published, pending purchase. Yes, I am a paid writer. This will be updated when it is bought and posted.
April 14, 2009
April 14 2009 Shopping Sucks
I used ambient light and the macro setting so the text would come out.
April 13, 2009
April 12, 2009 Playing and Building in 3D
My cool little creation was the product of some hours of playing and constructing. I took this with no flash as I was being too lazy to get far enough away to keep it from being a glare. Now, as far as a 2D photo of my 3D creation, it looks great to me. How about you?
April 12, 2009
April 11 2009 Plating the Celebration
The photograph was not as well executed as the presentation itself. Florescents and flash, and an impatient and hungry owner of said plate contributed to the intensity of the glare here. Lesson: prepare camera and settings before stopping the action.
April 11, 2009
April 11 2009 Snowing With a Chance of Rainbows
April 10, 2009
April 10 2009 Stringing Beads
I chose to stand on a chair to get far enough away from the subject for flash tolerability. Standing away raised the perspective on the lip of the lid and blocked some of the contents.
This is post one-hundred, for anyone interested in the milestone.
April 9, 2009
April 09 2009 Eavesdropping On The Lesson
Zoom of 18x before the violin is put away for the day, from back there, somewhere.
April 8, 2009
April 08 2009 Seeing The Same Moon
Setting on night scene with no flash, no tripod, and is that dirt on my lens that does the streaky thing? How can I make the shutter stay open longer?
April 7, 2009
April 07 2009 Running Errands in Traffic
At the light, I aimed, zoomed, and shot. It was really nothing special, except I now know why I want to kill drivers on cell phones when they're at lights. People get dumb when they multi-task. I felt so...disoriented.
April 6, 2009
April 06 2009 Enjoying End-Of-Day Sweetness
Nothing special today, though I did mess with the composition. I read that portrait settings blur the background more. I will try that if I remember next time I take a subject shot.
April 5, 2009
April 05 2009 Folding Paper Cranes
April 4, 2009
April 04 2009 Springing Out, Crayon Style
I stood across the office and shot this for composition more than anything else, tickled to death that the office is in an old school building with the kid's homeschooled work was taped to the wall. I just love the juxtoposition.
April 3, 2009
April 03 2009 Looking Through A Lens
About twelve, maybe fifteen feet away, I was not at full 24x zoom but greater than 14x, because I was experimenting with the digital zoom capacity of the little machine.
April 2, 2009
April 02 2009 Discovering Odd Things
This photo was taken by the homeowner-photographer-husband with my camera. Whatever setting it was on.
April 1, 2009
April 01 2009 Drinking Dessert
I did not like the flash on auto, so I tried portrait. Surprisingly, it was a different kind of flash. Good to know, though I must have suspected enough to try it.